Manifesting is quite a topic these days. Ever since The Secret splashed the concepts into the mainstream in 2006, manifesting has been a part of the larger cultural conversation.
The book, and later TV series, introduced the concept to many who had never considered before that our thoughts create our reality or that we can truly bring about what it we want the most by “manifesting.”
But if you’ve run your Human Design chart and found out that you’re NOT a “Manifestor” or a “Manifesting Generator,” you may have been tempted to throw out the whole system because it seems to be telling you that you just don’t have the juice to manifest.
But is that even true?
Let’s break down the fundamentals of Human Design.
In Human Design, there are 4 Aura Types with one having a sub-type that is different enough it’s often referred to as a separate Aura Type.
Here’s the breakdown:
- Manifestors – about 8% of the population
- Generators – collectively about 70% of the population
- Generators – about 38% of the population
- Manifesting Generators – about 32% of the population
- Projectors – about 21% of the population
- Reflectors – about 1% of the population
That means that about 54% of the population doesn’t have a “Manifestor” energy in them. All the Projectors, Reflectors and Generators are out of luck it would seem.
That’s not true. Not entirely, anyhow, and here’s why.
“Manifesting”, in the context most people use, is to bring about something in your life based on your desire and mindset.
That is something that literally anyone can do. No matter your age or Aura type or gender or level of education, everyone can “manifest.”
The reason Human Design has the term Manifestor and Manifesting Generator is because it denotes that there is one of the four motor centers in the Bodygraph that has a channel that reaches the Throat Center.
They have a “motorized throat.” This means there is access to power in the things they say. But it does not mean that is the only way to bring about amazing things in your life.
Each Aura Type has their own “secret sauce”
Each Aura Type has their own “secret sauce” if you will. The HOW to approach pretty much everything to get the best results.
The “sauce” is your power. It will show you how to be aligned with yourself, which brings about everything good and wonderful. Often, the alignment at the beginning gives us the very end result that we may have wanted through the manifesting we were attempting. Be it peace, satisfaction, success, or delight and surprise, it is the pathway to what we are here for.
It is so simple we can just break it down again:
- Manifestors are here to INFORM
- Generators are here to WAIT to RESPOND
- Manifesting Generators are here to WAIT to RESPOND and THEN INFORM
- Projectors are here to WAIT to BE INVITED
- Reflectors are here to WAIT for an entire LUNAR CYCLE, or longer.
Each of these is packed with wisdom and information and often will be literally the hardest thing for each respective type to be able to adhere to.
Manifestors are not here to ask for permission, they are here just to initiate, after they have concluded what actions are most aligned for them. So when they inform, sometimes it is received as requesting permission by others, and they attempt to shut down the Manifestor. So often, from a very young age, the Manifestor learns not to inform because it is only met with resistance.
Generators and Manifesting Generators, being technically the same Aura Type, both have this incredibly powerful motor that is just raring to go. When they are doing things that bring satisfaction, their defined Sacral actually generates new energy and they can just go and go and go. But only when actions are aligned and deeply satisfying.
So having to wait for something external to get moving is the LAST thing they want to do. But if they can learn to just pause and take their hands off the wheel, so to speak, they will find a whole world opening up to them that is filled with joy day after day after day.
Projectors have a deep ability to see and know what others need. They can observe someone and have a keen awareness of how that person can do things in a more fulfilling and efficient way.
They have always known things that they don’t have any direct way of knowing. And what feels like a gigantic cosmic joke is that Projectors are here to wait to be invited before they can help with their wildly valuable guidance.
Pretty much every Projector has been “uninvited” and trying to tell others how to do things without the person wanting to hear it, creating nothing but bitterness and exhaustion for the Projector and potentially a whole host of frustration, anger, and disappointment from the other person.
Lastly, Reflectors can see the glorious potential in everyone in a way that the rest of us cannot. They get so delighted as things work out and the world serves them up one delicious surprise after another.
But, before they can make those major life decisions, they’ve got to let the moon move through their entire Bodygraph, activating and gently moving them through the full zodiac so that they can get that clarity within themselves.
This can even take two or more lunar cycles for this to solidify – and who has time for that??
Strategy in Human Design
But as we truly do follow these guiding lights, also called your Strategy in Human Design, it absolutely will take care of so many of the problems and struggles that we are having. And if we violate these natural laws of our Aura Type, we simply cannot manifest in a sustainable way. We may get some bits of what we want temporarily, but the lasting impact cannot be there.
The tell-tale sign that you are not living in alignment is the “Not-Self,” or, as I like to call it, the Sacred Signal, which means that we have stepped out of what is right and true for us.
It is a loving reflection back from the Universe that we have missed a step or are going directly contrary to what is essential in our path.
- Manifestors will experience ANGER.
- Generators and Manifesting Generators will experience FRUSTRATION.
- Projectors will experience BITTERNESS.
- And Reflectors will experience DISAPPOINTMENT.
These are not “bad” emotions, and the goal is not to avoid them entirely but rather to treat them as loving messengers that somewhere, we stepped off of the path, and it’s costing us dearly.
The very thing that we are all here for cannot exist when we are living out of this alignment. And, of course, Human Design has given us the exact definitions of what that alignment will show up as for each type:
- Manifestors will have PEACE.
- Generators and Manifesting Generators will have SATISFACTION.
- Projectors will have SUCCESS.
- And Reflectors will have SURPRISE.
It really is that simple. As we become attuned to what is most true for us and we let these be buzzwords that wake us up to what we’ve been creating in our lives we can skip a lot of the unnecessary steps and just get right to it.
Each of these things will show up slightly differently for everyone and you may call it by different names, but the energy of it will have those common threads. This is certainly worth pondering and going deeper into.
If you’re brand baby new to all of this, I highly recommend you check out my Free Mini Course on the Foundations of Light-Filled Astrology + Human Design that goes just a bit deeper into all of this.
And if you’re ready to saturate yourself with the information available in Human Design. My course Human Design for Real Connection is phenomenal at going into the layers of these topics while still being understandable and applicable to your life.
Thank you for going on this deep dive in Human Design – I am always here when you have questions.
In light,